June 17, 2016

Find A Top Podiatrist Online for Pain Relief

Your appendages are used significantly throughout the day to pick things up, carrying an individual from one location to the next, exercise and taking care of […]
May 25, 2016

Houston’s Foot Doc performs the Unique Incision

Nagler Foot Center, founded by Dr. Sherman Nagler, one of Houston’s top podiatrists, has devoted his career specializing the unique incision for Bunionectomies and helping patients […]
May 25, 2016

Finding the right doctor can be life changing

Dana Cruz can tell you firsthand how important it is to find the right Podiatrist. Dana went to 4 different doctors and had 7 surgeries before […]
May 25, 2016

Nagler Burning Feet

Do you ever have a burning sensation in your feet? If you do, you may be suffering from Burning Feet. Burning feet can be a result […]
May 12, 2016

Help for Foot Pain

Anyone who has ever had foot pain knows how important it is to see a doctor who specializes in curing the feet and ankles. Podiatrists in […]
April 29, 2016


The average American will log 75,000 miles on their feet by the time they reach 50-years of age. Callused skin is common and will develop to […]
April 29, 2016

Diagnostic Podiatry Ultrasound

Medical ultrasound was first inspired by bats’ ability to navigate using echolation, their ability to reflect sounds to detect objects and measure distances. (source) More than […]
April 29, 2016

Laser Treatments End Recurring Fungal Infections

Fungi are all around us. It’s commonly found in the environment and so very delicious in marinara sauce! Most fungus is harmless… unless it invades the […]
April 18, 2016

Treating Bunion Pain

Bunion pain is something that can cause excruciating pain. It can really affect a person’s life in a negative way. Sometimes the pain can be so […]