Achilles Tendon Repair

June 25, 2021

Top 4 Things You Need to do Before Achilles Tendon Repair in Houston

Achilles tendonitis is a condition that results in inflammation and pain within the Achilles tendon. This injury occurs due to repetitive use of your foot, ankle, […]
June 14, 2021

A Complete Guide to Achilles Tendon Repair Surgery

An Achilles’ tendon repair is a type of surgery to fix a damaged Achilles tendon. The Achilles tendon is a strong and fibrous cord in the […]
April 18, 2016

Treating Bunion Pain

Bunion pain is something that can cause excruciating pain. It can really affect a person’s life in a negative way. Sometimes the pain can be so […]
March 25, 2016

The Vulnerability of Achilles

The story goes that as a baby, Achilles’ mother took him down to the River Stix and, holding him by his ankle, dunked him into the […]
March 19, 2015

Tendon Repair Surgery by Dr. Sherman Nagler

August 6, 2014

Ruptured Achilles Tendon Surgery – Dr. Sherman Nagler – Houston’s Foot Doc

August 6, 2014

Dr. Sherman Nagler talks about Achilles Tendon Ruptures

August 6, 2014

Ankle Stabalization and Tendon Repair Surgery – Houston’s Foot Doc

August 6, 2014

Reconstructive Achilles Heel Surgery – Dr. Sherman Nagler