Corns and calluses are a thickened layer of skin that develops due to repeated pressure or friction on that part of the foot. Corns and calluses are not typically a serious issue but can cause discomfort and become very painful if left untreated. Treat foot pain in the city of Houston to restore comfort and ensure the corns and calluses don’t cause too much pain.
Understanding the symptoms of corns and calluses is important so that you can treat foot pain in Houston and get treatment before the discomfort increases and causes severe pain. Severe pain can impact the mobility and quality of life. It is important to consult an expert foot specialist to get a personalized treatment.
Corns and calluses vary in appearance and in severity. Identifying the signs and symptoms early can be helpful in seeking treatment.
Corns are small and round and can be extremely painful when pressed on or there is pressure put on them. Mostly, corns are formed on the tops of the toes or sides of the toes. They tend to form, especially in areas that are subject to pressure from wearing ill-fitting shoes.
Calluses are larger than corns and are flatter patches of the foot’s thickened skin, and they usually appear on the soles of the feet. Unlike corn, calluses are rarely that painful, but over time, when not treated, they often cause discomfort and can be painful.
Both corns and calluses have hardened and rougher skin that may appear yellowish or reddish over time and feel bumpy to the touch.
Treatment for corns and calluses is about relieving the pressure and softening the impacted skin. Initially, home remedies can be used for treatment, but if the pain gets severe and the size of the corn or calluses increases, it is best to consult a foot specialist regarding corns and calluses because if they do not receive proper treatment they can return.
There are non-prescription treatments available, such as callus cushions and corn pads, which can be applied to soften the skin and help remove it. Using salicylic acid solution cream or ointments is recommended as it helps reduce thickened skin and protects surrounding areas from further irritation.
If you have experienced calluses or corns, you should keep the skin of your feet soft and moisturized. For feet that have corns or calluses, soaking them in warm water can help soften them and improve their management. Regularly apply a thick moisturizer afterward, as this will help prevent the thickening of the skin.
Consulting a foot specialist called a podiatrist is necessary as they can treat corns and calluses so that they don’t reoccur. A podiatrist will carefully remove hardened skin with small surgical sterile tools. This will give you immediate relief from discomfort and pain. This must be done if the corns and calluses are persistent or if they become more painful.
Though most calluses and corn can be self-treated at home, certain cases require professional care. If there is persistent pain, swelling, or redness, which may indicate an underlying issue or infection, consult with a podiatrist. Also, people who have other health conditions, such as diabetes and circulation problems, must consult a foot specialist and treat foot pain with the first sign of corns or calluses, as complications can happen more easily for these people.
Preventing corns and calluses starts by reducing the friction and pressure on feet, changing footwear, using protective padding, moisturizing, and maintaining foot hygiene, which is essential. These can go a long way to avoiding these conditions.
Corns and calluses are common foot issues that can be managed properly. It is important to understand the signs and symptoms. Consult a podiatrist or a foot specialist for effective treatment. Further, foot doctors suggest preventive measures. It is important to treat corns and calluses, or else it can impact mobility and be severely painful over time.
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