Infographic: 3 Ankle Injuries And How They Can Be Treated

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Has your ankle been fractured? If you cannot control the pain using medication, then you will have to undergo ankle surgery Houston. There are different types of ankle injuries. An ankle sprain happens when a ligament gets partially or fully torn due to an accident or a sports injury. Treatment for these injuries usually involve-RICE (rest, ice, elevation, and compression). Chronic ankle instability is a type of injury that is caused by the ankle giving way or rolling.

Podiatrists prescribe the use of anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and aspirin in case there is tenderness, pain, or swelling. An ankle break is caused by the ankle’s rotational injury (twisting, injury, and turning). The treatment process involves opening the skin in the affected area using a surgical incision, placing all broken bones together and securing them using screws and plates.


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